Lead Generation for Your Sales Team

Learn the importance of lead generation aspects such as ideal customer profiles, qualified leads, and the role of content marketing in attracting and retaining qualified customers.

We discuss the dynamic between marketing and sales teams all the time. When it comes to feeding leads to your sales teams, marketing managers have several major practices to execute in order to accomplish this. By generating leads from marketing practices and techniques, companies can attract their qualified customers through a number of ways. Ideally, a businesses content marketing is equipped with a blog, social media and email campaigns to inspire interest in the services and products companies wish to sell. We’ve discussed how authenticity and genuine interaction in partnership with these practices is also critical to gaining the trust and maintenance of retention for your leads as well.

Once this phase of the lead generation flow is followed through, your sales team is more likely to be able to close deals with customers that have interacted with the unique benefits and selling points your business can offer and promise. These marketing techniques also rely on the importance of managing lead quality for your sales team. Closing deals on leads that are not likely to benefit from your product or service could damage the integrity of who your company is meant for and as a result, prevent the sales team from closing deals with the right leads.

Ideal Customer Profile

To find customers that benefit from and believe in your company its critical to craft ideal customer profiles after researching thoroughly into your audience. Step into the shoes of your ideal customer by exploring their customer journey, habits on social media, demographics and more. Collaborate on this effort with your sales to ensure your ICP is aligned.

Qualified Leads

In addition to crafting your ideal customer profile, identify if they will make a quality lead by monitoring how often they engaged or interacted with your product. Have they started a free trial? Visited your blogs? This engagement will reveal if this quality will lead to the longevity a sales representative can generate.

Lastly, the content marketing used to funnel leads should be relevant, useful and engaging for readers and users alike. Having this family of techniques function together can help both teams further assess best practices for gaining leads. There is always room for revision and trying new trends as well which will be critical to evolving as a business and foster further growth and expansion. Be sure to always keep up to speed with the changing land scape of lead generation as you identify your ideal customers and qualified leads.

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