Reach the right B2B decision-makers

Find the right B2B business contact and upgrade your sales with InFynd’s B2B business contact database.

b2b data intelligence database

Supercharge your sales and marketing

Personalized B2B database

Comprehensive B2B data

Gain instant access to decision-makers and explore more business opportunities using B2B companies database

job-title based B2B database

Witness growth in B2B market

Stay ahead of the competition curve and drive 10X growth with accurate B2B contact database

Accurate global B2B contacts

Reach out to key players in the B2B market from CEO’s, CMO’s, COO’s, VP’s, Directors, heads of department and many more

Hyper-personalized B2B data

Here’s why millions of B2B prospects trust INFYND for accurate B2B data

  • Understand your ideal buyer like never before with reliable company data and win more B2B sales leads

  • Reach out to key players in the B2B market from CEO’s, CMO’s,COO’s, VP’s, Directors, headsof department and many more.

  • Personalized B2B database help you find the right buyer persona based on the buying signals.

  • Access technology stacks of your targets who adopt new technology or application with our detailed database assistance.

  • Stay updated on the latest economic transitions like investment, funding history and acquisition of companies. Stay ahead in the game.

Connect directly with decision-makers

Target business by countries

Reach business prospects in over 190+ countries and expand your business across continents.

Tap into unexplored countries using region-based email list database for further assist

  • US and UK countries business data
  • Asia-Pacific region data

Reach Industry-based business

Unleash the market potential of businesses based on industries from Products to service sectors

Reach top professionals, key influencers and decision-makers in the industry such as

  • Healthcare and pharmaceutical business
  • Finance and insurance companies
  • IT and software business

Job-title based B2B data

Filter and find the right customers using unparalleled job-title based B2B database and witness improved business ROI

Use advanced filter and sort the right prospects by

  • Job function and hierarchy.
  • Professional qualification and experience.

We’ve got you covered